Spring Semester Final Project

General Requirements:
• Your piece should be 5-7 minutes in duration for instrumentalist and electronics. At minimum, the piece should be for live performer and four channel playback (front L, front R, back L, back R); any other combination of live performer, live processing, playback, and MIDI input are possible, but need the instructor's approval.
• You can use up to FOUR audio output channels
• You can use only ONE audio input (i.e., one mic)
• You may not use more than one MIDI device
• The electronics must run from a shared computer (i.e., no machine specific plug-ins or devices) 

Requirements for final project submission (due April 28th @ 11:59pm):
• Score with musical notation, electronic notation, and brief explanation of the technical requirements of the piece
• High quality studio recording of the composition

The grading will be entirely on a technical level, considering the notation, synchronization, technical rider, audio quality, recording techniques, and mixing.

Timeline for project:
Step 1 • Think of ideas
Step 2 • Find a performer
Step 3 • Record Performer playing extended techniques, improvisations, or pre-composed musical ideas
Step 4 • Compose first draft of score, taking inspiration from step 3 (also consider the electronics as you compose)
Step 5 • Record record performer playing entire score (if the score is difficult you may have to do a bar-by-bar recording) 
Step 6 • Feb 27 - submit score and recording - Show work in class
Step 7 • Work on electronic part, update score as needed
Step 8 • April 1 - Submit final to score to performer - Show work in class
Step 9 • Rehearse with performer
Step 10 • April 14- Concert
Step 11 • April 28 - Submit Completed score, with electronic notation and technical information